September 27, 2013
Yogapreneur: Ava Taylor Helps Others Turn Passion Into Profit
Do you have challenges being a black woman in the wellness space?
The most challenging thing is not seeing more of myself in the industry and I’m working in media and I have access to help people make that change [but they] are not ready to make that change. If the image isn’t there, then the people won’t come but the [media thinks] people aren’t there so why should I spend money on the image?
What are the best parts of being an entrepreneur, especially in the yoga industry.
I get to hang out with awesome people who are doing their work in the world and inspire others. My posse are incredible people and I thank God because I work my you-know-what off and I’m inspired about who I’m surrounded by.
I also get yoga swag like retreats and clothes, so my addiction is paid for. I have to practice and be accountable for my clients. My clients are on a certain path that I need to be on if I want to help them.
What are some ways you suggest getting more people of color involved in yoga?
We need to have more media; more visible images of all sizes and colors that are doing yoga. We also have to have more conversations about what yoga is. We need a lot of education about the scientific elements of yoga but it needs to be distilled to get people in the door.
Yoga can be very complicated and esoteric but the core is very simple. The people that get get it, sometimes hold it hostage and they want it to be complex and look down on people that want to distill it. We need to make it more relate-able.
What are your plans for the future.
We are going to be the Creative Artist Agency (Oprah’s management) of the mind/body world. We will represent clients across the wellness spectrum and broaden into other wellness modalities. There will be offices located in other US cities as well as Europe and Asia.
In addition, we are currently building the world’s first digital yoga network, where we bring together independent yoga teachers into a video network on YouTube.
There will be more mass media: more TV, book deals and huge visibility opportunities.