August 11, 2015
Yandy Smith’s ‘Everything Girls Love’ Hosts 4th Annual Women’s Empowerment Event
On August 7, 2015, Everything Girls Love (EGL), a lifestyle brand founded by entertainment manager and reality TV star Yandy Smith, hosted the EGL Partners Uplifting Our Daughters: Pay it Forward Benefit Dinner in New York City to empower professional women to give.
[Related: Yandy Smith’s Everything Girls Love Hosts Empowerment Event for Women Professionals]
The private dinner kicked off a series of events catering to Smith’s Fourth Annual Girls Love Events weekend, which included a Saturday “Girl Talk†breakfast and lunch panel discussion,  a “Cocktails and Conversations†relationship hour, and a Sunday “Wellness Bootcampâ€.
The mission of EGL is to, “create community-based programs and activities that enrich the lives of the everyday woman.†Partners Uplifting Our Daughters (PUD), the charity division of EGL,  focuses on teaching, guiding, and encouraging young girls in various communities to believe in their abilities. Smith says she wants girls to understand that she wasn’t always the confident women they see today, but she’s “here.â€
“I think a lot of young girls just need to hear that. They need to have that mentorship,†said Smith. “They need to have that encouragement.â€
At the dinner table set approximately 30 powerhouse women, handpicked by Smith and her EGL team. Among them were media mogul, Mona Scott Young , Â PR Â aficionado Shante Bacon, nationally recognized civil rights activist Tamika Mallory, and several other female entrepreneurs who took the floor to share their heartfelt life stories, career journey, and valuable advice.
Benefit donations will go towards creating and funding additional  EGL PUD programs that Smith hopes, along with the help of other women,  will cure,”the disease of low self esteem†plaguing female youth.
“For the women here, I want them to understand that we are in a serious epidemic era,†said Smith. ” I want them to understand that these young girls have a horrible disease and the disease is low self esteem. There is no cure that a medical physician has for this disease–the cure is within each of us.†she adds.
Click  here to learn more about EGL and check out highlights from this weekend below: