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Day 2: Women of Power Attendees Learn the Value of Leveraging Their Power and Unique Talents

In the afternoon session of “Leverage Your Power” hosted by ADP, Women of Power attendees learned that in order to be effective leaders they must first invest in knowing and understanding their unique strengths and talents.

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In a panel moderated by Black Enterprise’s Senior Director of Events Sponsorship Sales Rena Daniels and facilitated by Paul Allen and ADP’s

Chief Diversity & Corporate Social Responsibility Officer Rita Mitjans, hundred of women gathered together to learn  about the anatomy of their strengths and how they can tap into their inner power.

Conducting an interactive session with attendees to help them find their talents, Allen, who is the Chief Evangelist for StrengthsFinder, gave out a list of actions and asked

the women to stand if they related to them. With the women admitting to conducting certain activities such as writing down a list of things to do everyday, cleaning their house or apartment before they relax, color-coding their closet and more, many of them opened up about why they felt the need to follow a certain routine.

Encouraging the women to view these patterns as strengths that speak to their unique talent and power, Allen expressed the value in learning what these strengths can bring to the table.

“One thing you can learn about these strengths is that they can be viewed as a negative, but they are all positive if used in the right circumstance,” said Allen.

To learn more about the value of recognizing their inner power, the ladies get a dose of honest feedback in regards to what’s holding them back in the next panel titled “Enough is Enough! Moving from Pain to Power” with psychiatrist Dr. Janet Taylor, anesthesiologist Dr. Brenna Lindsay and actress, author and life coach Madeline McCray, with author and entrepreneur Terrie Williams moderating.

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