May 19, 2023
Women of Color for Equal Justice Submits Application to Ban Vaccine Mandates
- First lawsuit in the U.S. that challenges the constitutional authority of federal, state, and private employers to mandate any vaccine as a condition of employment.
- 30 years ago, the Occupation Safety & Health Act (OSH Act) abrogated federal, state, and private sector authority to mandate any vaccine to control airborne communicable diseases even during a pandemic.
- According to the Application submitted by WOC4EJ, all vaccines violate the OSH Act minimum environmental method standards because they are incapable of shielding employees from exposure to any airborne viral hazards in the atmosphere nor can they remove viral sprays or vapors from the atmosphere in any public place as required under 29 CFR 1910.132(a) and OSH Act Sect. 5 General Duty Clause because vaccines are manufactured for medicinal internal personal use only.
- The OSH Act protects the fundamental right of all citizens to refuse vaccines and bans employer wrongful separation of employees for exercising their right.
- The right to refuse and choose medical treatments is a fundamental right of every citizen based on a 100-year Supreme Court precedent that includes the right to choose Plant-Based Lifestyle Medicine
As thousands of Americans remain locked out of their careers despite the lift of the federal vaccine mandate due to the continued enforcement of state and private sector Covid-19 vaccine mandates, on May 18, 2023, the 127th year anniversary of the landmark case Plessy v. Ferguson – wherein the US Supreme Court declared on May 18, 1896 that separate and unequal facilities for African-Americans was constitutional, the U.S. Supreme Court will vote in private conference on whether to rule on the merits of an Emergency Application that asks the Court to forever ban vaccine mandates by any public or private employer, which have caused cause millions of employees to be separated from their jobs based on their unvaccinated status.
The application submitted by the Women of Color For Equal Justice (WOC4EJ), on behalf of New York City employees, asks the Court to declare that all vaccine mandates are illegal and have been unauthorized since 1970 because they violate the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) minimum safety standards as well as the Free Exercise and substantive Due Process clauses of the Constitution.
This news first appeared on prnewswire.com.