Race. This country has never been able to come face-to-face with the race issue. In order for us to flourish as a nation, we have to come to grips with the problem of race in this country and the idea that people are still seen as inferior. While I believe class had a lot to do with problems like the response to Hurricane Katrina, I don’t think you can divorce race from class in this country.
You’ve worked in mainstream media. What is your No. 1 complaint?
They tend to cover the same stories over and over. There are so many stories and people that go uncovered. People tend to gravitate toward the negative stories. It’s important to become more inclusive in the nature of the stories we do and the perspectives. Media is still a white, male-driven entity. Often, media doesn’t know or see so many issues out there. I want to see the stories and the issues become broader than they are.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I never had that plan. This industry is changing so much that it will be vastly different five years from now. I just want to continue to have a presence in this industry.