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FREE! Know What Makes Them Tick: How to Successfully Negotiate Almost Any Situation

Have you ever had a problem finding common ground or getting someone on board with your idea? In Max Siegel’s book Know What Makes Them Tick learn how to bridge those gaps.

This book will help you connect with others in almost any situation. Do you need to smooth things over with your family, or need a business partner to get to your way of thinking, then this book is for you.
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Max Siegel is the CEO of Max Siegel Inc. Max Siegel Inc. is a sports, marketing, entertainment, and media holding company. He has over 20 years of experience in the sports and entertainment industry. He also made history as the highest ranking African American executive in NASCAR

. Over his twenty years in the business he has honed his skills at becoming a “people” person, which he is now sharing with the world.

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