Kamala Harris

White Women Mobilize For Kamala Harris In Virtual Fundraiser, Aim To Match Success Of Historic Black Women-Led Event

White women will follow Black women and men in their own call to fundraise for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign.

Another demographic will step up to get Kamala Harris elected. A virtual meeting for white women to “Answer the Call” is underway following Win With Black Women’s historic Zoom call.

Harris supporters of this demographic have the opportunity to join the fight on July 25. The event, “White Women: Answer The Call!,” seeks to have a similar outcome as the Black-led fundraising event. During Win With Black Women’s Zoom, 44,000 participants raised over $1 million for the politician’s campaign.

Stating its “their turn” to show up, white women will get the chance to further this impact, as Harris’ win would be a stride for gender equality as well. If elected, the 59-year-old would become the first woman elected as U.S. President.

While white women make their mark to support Harris, they also significantly helped former President Donald Trump win years ago. However, new data debunked the original “52%” statistic typically attributed to the voter group.

According to Time, approximately 47% of white women voted for Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential election. On the other hand, only 45% chose to support his female opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Despite this, white women Democrats hope to remedy the past through this endeavor. Their Zoom call will contribute to other race and gender groups who took inspiration from Win With Black Women to bring more funding to the campaign.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the “Black Men For Harris” Zoom occurred on July 22. Hosted by Roland Martin, over 53,000 Black men joined the virtual event to raise over $1.3 million. Moreover, Latina women advertised their own call to action for July 23, making it clear Harris’ support extends beyond race and gender.

On the July 21 call, Black women lawmakers, such as Reps. Joyce Beatty and Maxine Waters, rallied attendees to carry Harris over the finish line. Joined by activists like Bernice King, the group claimed to secure over $1.5 million for Harris in just three hours.

While no speakers are confirmed for the call as of yet, white women hope to carry the torch that Black women first lit.

RELATED CONTENT: Win With Black Men Fundraises $1.3 Million For Kamala Harris
