September 27, 2021
White Woman Fired After Video Alleges Verbal Racist Attack on Black Couple in Brooklyn Dog Park
Another white woman in New York City has been exposed and fired for her racist verbiage after telling a Black couple to “stay in your hood” in a Brooklyn dog park.
A Black best-selling New York Times author posted an encounter he had over the weekend when a white woman allegedly told him and his fiancée to “stay” in their hood as she threatened to call the police on them.
In the video, it appears that the white woman points her middle finger up to the camera phone as she tries to grab the phone as the incident is being filmed. Another white person seen in the clip verifies that the white woman did tell the Black couple to stay in their hood.
Frederick Joseph posted the incident to his Twitter account.
At the dog park in Brooklyn with my fiancé and this white woman was threatening to call police and told us to “stay in our hood” because she had our dog confused with another dog who had been barking loudly. So, I started recording and she tried to slap the phone out my hand. pic.twitter.com/9MXwMiU3Qb
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) September 26, 2021
With the power of social media, someone identified the white woman, whose name is reportedly Emma Sarley.
Update: Someone on my Instagram seems to have found her. Her name is Emma Sarley. pic.twitter.com/ejAZ09jzY3
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) September 26, 2021
After finding out her name, Joseph was also able to find out where she worked and sent a notice of Sarley’s actions to her employer, Derek J. Andersen, the co-founder/CEO of @BevyHQ and @StartupGrind.
Hey @DerekjAndersen I see that @BevyHQ is attempting to be better about race, equity, etc.
Thought you should see this. I’m hoping Black colleagues and peers don’t have to face this sort of racism from Emma. pic.twitter.com/VF1A1TvjIY
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) September 26, 2021
Andersen stated that he spoke to Joseph and his fiancée and announced it on his Twitter feed.
Spoke with @FredTJoseph about his and his fiancé’s horrific experience from last night. So sorry to them for what has happened. No one should treat people the way we witnessed. This is extremely troubling. I will update you shortly.
— Derek Andersen (@DerekjAndersen) September 26, 2021
I personally hope some type of resolution can happen between the two parties beyond this and will help if I can.
— Derek Andersen (@DerekjAndersen) September 26, 2021
Spoke with @DerekjAndersen briefly, hoping that @BevyHQ leans into accountability and finding ways to make change in light of their employee’s racist behavior. Waiting for an update. https://t.co/vaexodSfjo
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) September 26, 2021
Anderson returned to Twitter several hours later to inform his followers that Sarley had been terminated for her action.
.@BevyHQ has zero tolerance for discriminatory behavior of any kind. Yesterday an employee engaged in behavior contrary to our values and has been terminated. We apologize deeply to all involved.
— Derek Andersen (@DerekjAndersen) September 26, 2021
Joseph also gave an update after Andersen decided to terminate Sarley.
I’ve been told that @DerekjAndersen and @bevyhq have let go of Emma Sarley, as her racism against me and fiancé doesn’t align with their values. I hope this is a lesson in accountability and consequences for Emma and others. pic.twitter.com/vgHgmL0dCa
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) September 26, 2021