Walker’s Legacy Launches National Chapters and Business Accelerators for Professional Women and Entrepreneurs

Walker’s Legacy is expanding. And, that’s great news for multicultural women entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and business owners!

Walker’s Legacy is a global professional collective that works to promote the career advancement, skill sets, and networks of multicultural women in business and women entrepreneurs. And since 2009, the organization has been connecting, educating, and uplifting women in the workplace and in entrepreneurship.

With much success over the years, the company is launching Walker’s Legacy chapters nationwide in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Chicago, Durham, North Carolina; Greenville, South Carolina; Houston, Jacksonville, Florida; Los Angeles, New York, Newark, New Jersey; and Washington, DC. Each of the chapters will engage, inspire, and equip professional and entrepreneurial multicultural women in their local areas.

In addition to the chapters, the organization is also launching a 9-week accelerated business training program named PROSPECTUS™ to be hosted in Newark, Atlanta, DC, Detroit, and Houston. The accelerator is a business training program that utilizes a structured curriculum, an in-person cohort model, and expert lectures to aid aspiring and existing businesswomen of color in their pursuit of advancing their business operations and access to funding. Participants will have access to an original entrepreneurship curriculum, a dedicated instructor, and an advanced learning environment to support growth and scale.

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In a statement released by the organization, Natalie Madeira Cofield, founder & CEO of Walker’s Legacy said, “As an entrepreneur, I personally understand the importance of curriculum coupled with community. Our national accelerator programs are designed to give entrepreneurs the tools needed to scale a successful business and support needed to not go at it alone,” said Madeira Cofield.

The PROSPECTUS™ 9-week accelerator is backed by the support of the Minority Business Development Agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Natasha J. Benjamin, Newark PROSPECTUS™ Instructor at Walker’s Legacy also shared her excitement about leading women in the Northeast on the path to entrepreneurship.

“Women of color are starting new businesses faster than anyone else, yet there are economic and racial systemic challenges that can often limit access to resources needed to thrive as an entrepreneur.”

She went on to stay, “I’m excited to teach and provide resources centered around marketing, strategic growth, building a winning team, and more—in order to level the playing field.”

In celebration of all of their growth, Walker’s Legacy will host a New York City launch reception at LinkedIn on Thursday, Jan. 30 to introduce the New York City chapter Director, Brendez Wineglass. The reception will also consist of an executive fireside chat with Black Enterprise’s Executive Managing Editor & Host of SistersInc Alisa Gumbs; Ty Heath, Global B2B at LinkedIn and co-founder of the TransformHer Conference; and Gaybrielle LeAnn Gant, Director of Communities and Events at Walker’s Legacy.

To learn more about Walker’s Legacy and PROSPECTUS™, click here.

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