July 5, 2011
In the News: UConn Revokes Acceptance of Bronx Prodigy; Internet News Traffic Peaks With Casey Anthony Verdict and More
- Legendary Baltimore Businessman Dies at 97
William Lloyd “Little Willie” Adams, who began his career as a number runner on the streets of Baltimore and eventually became the city’s first prominent African-American venture capitalist, bankrolling numerous black-owned businesses, died last week from pneumonia. He was 97.
- University of Connecticut Revokes Acceptance of 13-Year-Old Girl
A 13-year-old Bronx prodigy was accepted to the University of Connecticut, however the university later called her father to rescind the offer, stating she is not academically ready.
- Michael Eric Dyson: Constitution Has Been ‘Hijacked’
On ABC’s This Week, in a conversation in which panelists discussed their favorite founding fathers, Georgetown University professor and author Michael Eric Dyson told host Christiane Amanpour that he thinks the Constitution has been “hijacked by people with narrow, vicious and parochial visions” who claim to be the sole defenders of protecting the Constitution.
For video, continue on to The Root…
- “The Rent Is Too Damn High†Guy Gets a Documentary
Jimmy McMillan may have been toiling away at his political career for nearly 10 years now, but it took YouTube fame to catapult him into the public eye. Now he’s the subject of a new documentary – titled Damn! – premiering in August.
The film, which garnered funds via a Kickstarter campaign and has been making the festival rounds, will be released on DVD and digital download on August 16.
- Michigan’s Ban on Race in College Admission Ruled Illegal
A federal appeals court has struck down Michigan’s ban on the consideration of race or gender in college admissions, upending a 2006 law that forced the University of Michigan and other public schools to change admissions policies, the AP reports.
- Internet News Traffic Spikes As Casey Anthony Verdict Announced
The verdict in the State of Florida vs. Casey Anthony murder trial coincided with a spike in online news traffic.