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Former NBA Player, Trevor Ariza Turns In Guns After Wife Was Granted Temporary Restraining Order

Former NBA player Trevor Ariza, who last played for the Los Angeles Lakers, has been accused of abusing his estranged wife. Due to the accusation, Ariza had to turn over his guns to the Los Angeles Police Department.

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According to Radar Online, the former basketball player was required to turn his weapons over to the LAPD pending the outcome of the restraining order his wife, Bree Anderson, filed against him. The media outlet obtained court papers documenting that the 37-year-old surrendered four guns: two Glocks and two AR-15s.

Earlier this month, Anderson went to court after accusing Ariza of being abusive toward her during their marriage and shared pictures of the alleged abuse. She asked the court for protection, stating that she feared for her safety after filing paperwork asking for a divorce.

She said that the former NBA journeyman “engaged in acts of extreme physical abuse towards me.”

She also stated that, during their marriage, “He was verbally and emotionally abusive to me. Some of the abuse occurred in the presence of our children.”

Anderson mentioned that she is financially dependent on Ariza.

After filing for divorce, Anderson had hoped that it would have calmed Ariza down, but it seems that things have gotten worse. Anderson claims that Ariza often appears at the house without announcing himself and by letting himself in.

The couple has been married for four years.

Last September, Anderson filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences.” The paperwork was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. She’s asking for primary physical and legal custody of the couple’s two children while asking that Ariza receive visitation.

In her petition, she is also requesting $250,000 to go toward paying for her divorce lawyers. She also seeks temporary child and spousal support.

The judge granted Anderson’s request for a temporary restraining order, which prohibits Ariza from coming within 100 yards. The court set a March 8 hearing to determine if a permanent restraining order will be granted, according to Radar Online.

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