November 4, 2014
Cigar Aficionado: Tres Lindas Cubanas Cigars Sparking Business Success
The sisters add that they wanted to maintain the legacy of their parents and other people who have been involved in their lives that had their hands in the cigar industry.
That resolve to honor the past is rooted in the core of the industry.
The story behind the the cigar line, the families that blend them and where the tobacco leaves come from are just as important to the brand as the cigar itself.
Tres Lindas Cubanas Cigars is named after a Cuban song and celebrates the beauty of the Cuban woman. Each blend is named and categorized by their different skin tones, such as La Negrita, their strongest blend.
Although they say their business is becoming increasingly lucrative, they do agree that it is a male-dominated industry. Their clientele is also mostly male, but they have several large groups of women as consumers.
Their advice to up and comers who want to engage this space?
“Marketing works great. You need to make sure you have a good product because cigar smokers are very critical and competitive. It’s a sample before sale business. You only have one chance to impress the smoker.”
Tres Lindas is also paying it forward. They took the local route to support small businesses. The team says they manufacture their boxes done in Miami and the cigar band was designed by a local artist in Little Havana, a woman who used to work in a cigar factory in Cuba.
“Consumers are drawn to that. Grab whatever edge or niche you can carve out for your brand. Research and try to think outside the box.”