Rep. Al Green, trump

‘This Is About The People,’: Rep. Al Green Brought All The Smoke To Protest Donald Trump’s False Claims

Green emphasized that his actions were done to protect the people of his district from Medicaid cuts.

Rep. Al Green (D-TX) was forced to leave the House chamber after disrupting President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday night.

As Trump began his televised speech, Green began shouting and using his cane in protest about his words about Medicaid. According to NBC News, his continued action led to others on both sides joining in the chaos.

Amid the boos and cheers sparked by Green’s persistence, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) reminded the lawmakers of the House rules to “maintain decorum.

“Members are directed to uphold and maintain decorum in the House and to cease any further disruptions,” Johnson said pointedly.

However, Green, a longtime opposer of Trump who pushed for the president’s impeachment during first term, kept engaging in his act of civil disobedience. His refusal to stop shouting led to Johnson calling upon the House sergeant at arms to remove him from the chamber.

Upon leaving, Green told reporters about why he decided to speak out. He cited Trump’s false claim of having a mandate to cut Medicaid. The Shade Room reposted footage of his explanation.

“The president said he had a mandate, and I was making it clear to the president that he has no mandate to cut Medicaid. I have people who are very fearful,” said the lawmaker, who represents the 9th District which includes parts of Houston. “These are poor people, and they have only Medicaid in their lives when it comes to their health care. And I want him to know that his budget calls for deep cuts in Medicaid.”

Green called to protect Medicare and other “safety net programs” such as Social Security, which he wants to raise the cap on.

He added, “These are the safety net programs that people in my congressional district depend on. This President seems to care less about them and more about the number of people that he can remove from the various programs that have been so helpful to so many people that across.”

Reporters asked Green why he disrupted the speech to protest Trump’s proposed actions.

“It is the best way to it get across to a person who uses his incivility against our civility. He is a person who has consistently used incivility against civility,” asserted Green. “I am willing to suffer whatever punishment is available to me. I didn’t say to anyone, ‘Don’t punish me.’ I’ve said I’ll accept the punishment. But it’s worth it to let people know that there are some of us who are going to stand up against this President’s desire to cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.”

Green then explained that his actions were for the people at risk of losing these social programs.

“Whatever the punishment is, I’m not fighting the punishment,” he affirmed. “This is about the people who are being punished by virtue of losing their health care. This is the richest country in the world, and we have people who don’t have good health care. We’ve got to do better. Now we’re about to cut Medicaid, which is for poor people. Health care has become wealth care for many people, and we can’t afford to let that happen.”

However, this is not the only priority for Green.

“I have other things I’m protesting, and I’m also working on my articles of impeachment. This president is unfit. He should not hold the office.”
