For 42-year-old Ghanaian Canadian artist Ekow Nimako, creating ‘unequivocally Black’ art with Lego bricks speaks to reimagination, acknowledgment of the past, and a hopeful, inclusive future.
“I’m making art,” Nimako told CNN. “This is fine art. It’s not a hobby; it’s not a toy, it’s not part of the Lego fandom, it’s not goofy. It doesn’t fall into a lot of categories that Lego creations fall into.”
His journey as a Lego sculptor began in 2012, two years before receiving a grant to showcase his work in Canada during Black History Month. Then he realized the purpose of his work, which now speaks to the futuristic approach to his art.
“I started realizing that not only did I enjoy making art with Lego, but it was important that I made Black art very specifically,” he said.
Nimako intentionally uses black Lego bricks for its “sophisticated” and sometimes “foreboding or haunting” color. Despite their features or what I may do with them, they’ll always be regarded as Black,” he said.
Nimako, who considers himself a “futurist,” channels Africa’s remarkable history and its powerful future, creating his sculptures with the infusion of Africanfuturism, Afrofuturism, and Afrofantasy.
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In 2014, Nimako made his first human sculpture, “Flower Girl,” which resembled the size of a six-year-old girl. It represented “the innocence lost of young Black girls that didn’t get a chance to be like traditional flower girls in the West — speaking to the girls that came here as a result of the transatlantic slave trade,” he said.