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Amid Racial Tensions, Therapist Launches Support Groups For Black Community To Heal And Prioritize Mental Health

(Photo: FatCamera/Getty Images)

Dr. Dionne Mahaffey, a mental health expert behind the AI therapy platform Behavioral Health Notes, is leveraging her platform to promote group therapy sessions in response to the resurgence of racial tensions under another Donald Trump administration.

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On Feb. 6, Mahaffey announced the launch of her “psychoeducation groups on Facebook, which “aim to help the Black community prioritize mental health collectively.” Through six group types, participants will have a supportive space to discuss key issues affecting their well-being.

“Individual therapy is powerful, but there’s something uniquely healing about common support,” she wrote.

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The group sessions participants will be able to attend include:

Collective Grief and Racial Trauma: Healing from Losses We Carry – Held weekly on Mondays at 5:30 PM ET, these sessions provide a supportive space for processing death, racial trauma, loss, and healing.

The Rage Room: Processing Righteous Anger in Healthy Ways – These weekly sessions, held on Mondays at 7:30 PM ET, guide attendees in discovering healthy and empowering ways to express and channel anger.

Black Anxiety: Coping with the Stress of Anti-Blackness – Anti-Blackness sessions, held on Thursdays at 5:30 PM ET, provide participants with strategies to cope with the emotional toll of racism, discrimination, and persistent hypervigilance.

The Black Professional Experience: Navigating Workplace Trauma – Held on Thursdays at 7:30 PM ET, these sessions will address navigating microaggressions, overcoming burnout, and managing imposter syndrome in the workplace.

The Politics of Black Rest: Reclaiming Our Right to Pause

– Held weekly on Sundays at 5:30 PM ET, these sessions will delve into strategies for overcoming cultural and systemic barriers to rest, escaping grind culture, and embracing rest as a revolutionary act of self-care.

When the News is Too Much: Media Detox & Mental Wellness – These sessions, held on Sundays at 7:30 PM ET, focus on safeguarding mental health by setting boundaries around media consumption and exposure to racial trauma.

“In this critical moment, group support provides a space to be seen, heard, and affirmed,” Mahaffey wrote. These sessions aren’t just about venting— they’re about healing, learning, and building resilience in a way that individual therapy can’t always provide.”

She also invites other therapists and wellness experts to join her in co-leading the sessions covered by insurance carriers in Alabama or Georgia, and only $35 for out-of-pocket patients. Those interested can visit the Roots to Branches Wellness for more information.

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