5 Tips To Survive Your 9-5 With A Side Hustle

The Secret To Surviving Staffing Shortages Without Burning Out

It can be done—just follow these four steps.

Hi Fairygodmentor,

How can a leader effectively navigate staffing shortages based on a fiscal budget without working themselves into a hole?

Best wishes,
Leading to Burnout

Dear Leading to Burnout,

Wow! I’ve been there, done that, and nearly burned out while leading my teams.

The struggle is real. Balancing multiple demands alongside budgetary constraints is a challenge, and it’s a miracle you show up every day.

Here’s my top tip: Delegate.

Ideally, your staffing shortages aren’t so severe that you’re left doing everything yourself. Get creative. Even with limited resources, there’s likely someone on your team eager to take on new challenges. That person is the perfect candidate for delegation.

Step 1: Identify the Right Person

The key to successful delegation is selecting someone with both the skill and will to handle the task. Have an open and transparent conversation about their career goals and their interest in taking on responsibilities outside their current role. You’re looking for someone who may not be an expert yet but has the potential to succeed. This is your opportunity to nurture their growth and development while alleviating your workload.

Step 2: Clarify Expectations

Clear communication is critical. Set expectations for processes, deadlines, key contacts, and any rules they need to follow. Encourage questions to ensure mutual understanding. This step not only gives you peace of mind but empowers the person taking on the task.

Step 3: Check In—Without Micromanaging

You know how it feels to be micromanaged, so let’s break that cycle. Schedule regular check-ins to review progress, address questions, and adjust plans as needed. Use these moments to celebrate milestones and recognize their efforts.

Step 4: Reflect and Refine

Once the project is complete, sit down together to discuss what worked well and what could be improved. If the experience was positive, repeat the process! Delegation not only helps you avoid burnout but prepares your team members for growth, creating a win-win situation.

When done right, delegation is like contributing to your 401(k): short-term discomfort for long-term gains. You’ll regain control of your life, minimize burnout, and develop your team—all while working with limited resources.

You’ve got this!

Yours truly,

Your Fairygodmentor®

About the Author:

Joyel Crawford is an award-winning career and leadership development professional and the founder of Crawford Leadership Strategies, a consultancy specializing in empowering leaders through coaching, training, and facilitation. She is the author of the best-selling book, Show Your Ask: Using Your Voice to Advocate for Yourself and Your Career.

Got a Question?

Do you need help handling a micromanager, navigating workplace challenges, managing stress, or negotiating the job offer you deserve? Send your question to Ask Your Fairygodmentor® here.
