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The Right Start

My partner and I have a global vision that involves profit and not-for-profit business ventures. We have given ourselves a two-year timeline and our business plan is thorough; however, our sole obstacle is acquiring the right people to carry out the vision.
-R. Jasper, Via the Internet

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Finding the

right people to grow your business is a difficult challenge. Individuals must have the qualities you and your partner can rely on and also trust: intelligence, dedication, and experience. One of the key qualities a potential hire should possess is ambition and the initiative to make something out of nothing. The goal is to take the company’s vision and run with it.

Consider taking things one step at a time; you don’t want to be all over the place from the start. Take the most viable plan and develop that to fruition so as not to exhaust all your energy trying to pull several wagons at once.

Begin your search by contacting trade or even alumni organizations. Established entrepreneurs may be able to suggest people to you as well. Keep in mind that good people know good people, so even if you reach out to someone who would be perfect to assist but unable
to come on board, ask him or her for

Read Topgrading: How Leading Companies Win by Hiring, Coaching and Keeping the Best People by Bradford D. Smart (Prentice Hall Press; $29.95); and Leadership and Futuring: Making Visions Happen by John R. Hoyle (Corwin Press; $49.95).

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