July 26, 2024
The Obamas Officially Endorse Vice President Harris
It's a great Friday for Kamala Harris!
Vice President Harris has officially been endorsed by former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama in her bid for the presidency.
The Obamas broke the news to their longtime friend via a phone call, according to a video released by Harris on July 26. “We called to say Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” Obama said, bringing a smile to Harris’ face.
The former prosecutor is looking forward to support from the Obamas as she fights for the top spot in the White House. “The words you have spoken and the friendship you have given over all these years mean more than I can express,” she responded.
“We’re gonna have some fun with this too, aren’t we?” she added.
The phone call found Vice President Harris full of gratitude as Michelle reiterated to her friend that she was on the road to a historic moment. “I am proud of you,” Michelle said, calling the VP her girl.
CNN reports that the Obamas recognized Vice President Harris’ accomplishments in a joint statement. “Kamala has more than a resume,” the couple stated. “She has the vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands. There is no doubt in our mind that Kamala Harris has exactly what it takes to win this election and deliver for the American people.”
The endorsement announcement follows Barack’s initial decision to hold back from endorsing the VP, as BLACK ENTERPRISE previously noted. Barack released his statement earlier this month with confidence the Democratic Party would “be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”
The support from the Obamas came just ahead of the Aug. 19 Democratic National Committee, which BE reported is a crucial moment for Vice President Harris as she fights to be named the official Democratic running mate. The endorsement from the couple, who made history in the White House in 2008, follows President Joe Biden’s decision to end his bid for the presidency and appoint Vice President Harris as his successor.
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