The incredibly dynamic Black Girls CODE grassroots organization held a hackathon last weekend. Teaming up with Verizon and Break The Cycle, Black Girls CODE delivered another girls-only event themed "Love Is Respect." The hackathon was a success as young minds debuted their own apps for mass consumption and review. Taking place in Brooklyn, New York, 126 supporters and native Alexis Ohanian garnered attention for the event through Twitter and a crowd funding campaign. As girls from 5th grade to ages 15-17 years old come together to solve worldly problems through building apps, Black Girls CODE continues to spotlight education and mentorship to the next generation. Twitter, a haven for supporting grassroots organization, reacted to Black Girls CODE's latest hackathon with favorable responses. Here are the 10 of best reactions for you to check out. Enjoy! You can continue to support the efforts of Black Girls Code by supporting their Join Us page here!