‘This Could Have Been You’: Texas Vice Principal Charged With Injuring Minor, Cleared—Seeks Social Media Relief by Courts

A Texas vice principal is breathing a sigh of relief after being cleared of an injury to a child charge that she was up against for six months.

Tara Hunter, a longtime educator for over 20 years, said she is seeking relief in the court of public opinion now that her legal matter has been cleared.

“Even though the charges have been dropped because there was no evidence, I am still a victim of the social media platform,” Hunter told CBS affiliate KENS 5.

According to the news outlet, the case began when a five-year-old boy at the IDEA Amber Creek school in San Antonio, now called IDEA Ambrose & Freda Robinson Academy, accused Hunter of inflicting injury on him.

At the time, local authorities reportedly said in a Facebook briefing that the boy had a visible injury that led investigators to move forward with the accusation of a third-degree felony.

After Hunter’s family hired three different agencies to look into the matter, it was determined that the claim was without merit and was dismissed in September by Bexar County authorities.

But for Hunter, emotional damage had already been inflicted.

Hunter requested that the courts issue a public apology on social media where she experienced backlash for the incident.

She shared that despite the effort, it will be hard to rebuild her life as it once was before the now dropped charges.

“I sit here today looking for justice as an educated Black woman with over 20 years in the education system,” she said during a public speech joined by her pastor and a community supporter.

“I never thought that this would happen to me, but I’m telling you who are watching this: This could have been you.”

(Image: Bexar County Jail)

Hunter added that while she did not receive fair treatment through the judicial process, she was shamed for being placed in handcuffs and having that image circulate on social media.

In addition, the financial burden from upfront legal representation and a $10,000 bond added pressure on her family.

“That information transferred on every social media platform and the same platform that destroyed me.”

“I am asking for restoration, vindication, and reconciliation,” Hunter stated.

She is preparing to meet with IDEA school administrators about a new work assignment, according to KENS 5.

The Bexar County District Attorney’s Office issued a statement to KENS 5:

“At the root of this case is a little boy who sustained real injuries, and protecting him is our top priority.”

“We made the decision to arrest based upon cause presented to a judge.”

“The case is still ongoing in our office and we will continue to investigate. We will defer to the District Attorney’s Office as to why they took the actions that they did.”

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