Taylor Casey, yoga, Bahamas

Taylor Casey Goes Missing During Yoga Trip To Bahamas, Family Wants Her Home

A family contingent, including Casey's mother, is traveling to the Bahamas to coordinate with local authorities in the search efforts.

A Chicago yoga enthusiast has mysteriously vanished while attending the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas, raising alarm among her family and authorities.

Taylor Casey, 41, was last spotted on Paradise Island on June 19, prompting the Royal Bahamas Police Force to issue a missing person alert two days later on June 21. According to a release posted on Facebook, Casey, a 15-year veteran of yoga practice, embarked on this journey to deepen her spiritual connection.

Her mother, Colette Seymore, expressed deep concern, stating, “I believe Taylor is in danger because she was eager to share her yoga retreat experience with others upon her return. Taylor would never disappear like this.” The family’s worry is compounded by the area’s proximity to Nassau, a city grappling with crimes. Earlier this year, BLACK ENTERPRISE noted that the U.S. government issued a level 2 travel advisory for the Bahamas, citing an increase in homicides, particularly on New Providence (Nassau) and Grand Bahama (Freeport) islands. The U.S. Embassy attributed most of these incidents to “retaliatory gang violence.”

CBS News reported that the Bahamas retreat center confirmed that Casey’s absence became apparent last Thursday when she didn’t show up for the morning yoga sessions. Despite Paradise Island’s reputation as a tourist haven, its location near Nassau has raised safety concerns. A family contingent, including Casey’s mother, is en route to coordinate with local authorities in the search efforts.

The release describes Casey as a light-skinned Black woman, 5’10” and 145 pounds, with brown hair and eyes. She typically wears her natural hair covered by a durag.

As the search continues, Casey’s family remains hopeful for her safe return, and they are urging anyone with information to come forward. For more information, or those with potential leads are encouraged to contact the Royal Bahamas Police Force Criminal Investigations Department at 502-9991/2 or Crime stoppers at 328-TIPS (8477).

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