- bathrooms
- Uber
- Lyft
- airports
- ride-sharing
- gig economy
- JFK airport
- independent drivers guild
- new york city taxis
by Samara Lynn
- Facebook advertising
- Grindr
- Uber
- Lyft
- ProPublica
- LGBTQ in technology
- facial recognition
- tech racism
- racism and technology
- Facebook
by Samara Lynn
- Small Business Saturday
- Uber
- uberpool
- shop small
by Samara Lynn
- gig economy
- racism in technolohy
- flywheel
- national bureau of economic research
- Uber
- Lyft
- sharing economy
by Samara Lynn
- Uber
- BE TechconneXt
- sharing economy
- 2016 BE TechConneXt
- noirbnb
- maryann reid
- 2016 Black TechConneXt Summit
by Maryann Reid
- Volvo
- Nissan LEAF
- Uber
- driverless cars
- autonomous vehicles
by Samara Lynn
- discrimination
- gig economy
- racism
- taxi and limousine commission
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Todd Warner
- Airbnb
- Uber
- Lyft
- sharing economy
by Samara Lynn
- tech entrepreneurs
- Apple
- HP
- Yahoo
- Uber
- Technology
- Marissa Mayer
- Bill Gates
- Snapchat
- Lyft
- tech startups
- disrupted
- Carly Fiorina
- Silicon Valley
- dan lyons
- Facebook
- CEOs
- hubspot
- Mark Zuckerberg
- walter isaacson
- Evan Speigel
- Microsoft
- Steve Wozniak
- Travis Kalanick
- Steve Jobs
by Samara Lynn