U.S. Attorney
- Southern District of Georgia
- U.S. Attorney
- Black attorneys
by Stacy Jackson
- U.S. Attorney
- Connecticut
- Vanessa Roberts Avery
by Sharelle Burt
- U.S. Attorney
- prison
- R. Kelly
- arrested
by Jeroslyn JoVonn
- Prosecutor
- Newsletter 1
- Marisa T. Darden
- Northern District of Ohio
- Ohio
- U.S. Attorney
- Cleveland
by Atiya Jordan
- Black Women
- U.S. Attorney
- Prosecutor
- nominee
by Justin Barton
- healthcare reform
- New Jersey
- adoption
- Paula Dow
- attorney general
- lawyer
- Exxon Mobil
- Law and Order
- Essex County prosecutor
- U.S. Attorney
by Joyce Jones