Time Inc.
- Business News
- Time Inc.
- Earl Graves Sr.
- Essence magazine
by Selena Hill
- Essence magazine
- Time Inc.
- Constance White
- media
by Gerren Keith Gaynor
- TV One
- L.L.C.
- Nikki Bethel
- Pepsi
- Valorie Burton
- Tina Wells
- Julia-Feliz Sessoms
- Buzz Marketing Group
- Ajilli Hardy
- SportsCenter
- Procter & Gamble
- Marion Jones
- Tai Beauchamp
- Nike
- Kimberly Stone
- Time Inc.
- Sage Steele
- Women of Power
- Fox
- General Electric
- BluePrint Group
by Janel Martinez
- Black Enterprise Titans
- BE 100s
- Susan Taylor
- black business history
- Essence Communications Partners
- Clarence Smith
- Ed Lewis
- Essence Communications
- black media
- black entrepreneurs
- black-owned media
- black magazines
- Essence
- black business leaders
- Time Inc.
- B.E. Titans
- black leadership
- Black Enterprise 40th Anniversary
- business leaders
by Derek T. Dingle
- black-owned media
- Essence
- Time Inc.
- BE 100s
- Clarence Smith
- Ed Lewis
- Essence Communications
- black magazines
- Susan Taylor
- Essence Communications Partners
- black media
by Derek T. Dingle