the National Urban League
- Donald Trump
- the National Urban League
- President Donald Trump
- We Shall Not Be Moved March on Washington
- Marc Morial
- National Action Network
- Rev. Al Sharpton
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
by Selena Hill
- Carl Paladino
- Buffalo Board of Education
- Buffalo School Board
- Marc Morial
- Brenda W. McDuffie
- Michelle Obama
- MaryEllen Elia
- New York
- President Obama
- the National Urban League
- petition
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- entrepreneur
- the National Urban League
- BE Modern Man
- Indiana University
- public housing
- Philanthropists
- Agents of Change
- Civil Servants
- Community Leaders
- Education
- EnVest Foundation
- philanthropy
by Daron Pressley
- the National Urban League
- behighsociety-education
- Diversity
- economy
- Education
- Marc Morial
- higher education
- State of Black America
by Robin White Goode
- Education
- the National Urban League
- senior professionals
- behighsociety-education
- Barack Obama
- naacp
- World AIDS day
- 100 Black Men of America
- Phill Wilson
- the National Urban League
- the National Council of Negro Women
by Tomika Anderson