Tech Innovator of the Week
- drones
- black tech founders
- black tech entrepreneurs
- 2016 BE TechConneXt
- Tech Innovator of the Week
- Flyspan
- black people drones
- Brock Christoval
by Samara Lynn
- Samara Lynn
- Blacks in tech
- black tech founders
- black women in tech
- 2016 BE TechConneXt
- Tech Innovator of the Week
- black tech journalists
- The Plug
- Sherrell Dorsey
by Samara Lynn
- Julian Waits
- PivotPoint Risk Analytics
- Black CEOs
- techconnext
- 2016 BE TechConneXt
- Tech Innovator of the Week
by Samara Lynn
- blacks in Silicon Valley
- african american engineers
- black female engineers
- Tech Innovator of the Week
- EA
- laura Teclemariam
- techconnext
by Samara Lynn
- techconnext
- black women engineers
- black tech entrepreneurs
- african american tech founders
- Tech Innovator of the Week
- Aisha Bowe
- STEMBoard
by Samara Lynn
- african tech founders
- african tech
- TechConneXt 2016
- Tech Innovator of the Week
- tammah
- nnamdi ejiogu
by Samara Lynn
- KleanCollar
- weraables
- TechConneXt 2016
- Tech Innovator of the Week
- black tech founders
- black tech startups
- african american tech founders
- african american tech startups
by Samara Lynn