Silicon Valley
- angel investors
- elevator pitch
- business pitch
- venture capitalists
- Silicon Valley
- Young Entrepreneur Council
- business collective
- Silicon Alley
- east coast vs. west coast
- pitichting to investors
by Carolyn M. Brown
- Women of Power
- Sherice Torres
- black women executives
- Silicon Valley
- black women in technology
- women in tech
- black women in tech
- women executives in tech
by Safon Floyd
- Urban Cities 3.0
- fireside chat
- tech hubs
- Kevin Johnson
- Sacramento
- Silicon Valley
- Mayor Kevin Johnson
- TechConneXt Summit
- tc-coverage-day-1
by Carolyn M. Brown
- Diversity
- Social media
- Yahoo
- women professionals
- Silicon Valley
- Marissa Mayer
by Samara Lynn
- diversity in technology
- tech diversity
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus
- tech
- Silicon Valley
- Diversity in Tech
by Samara Lynn
- Taskrabbit
- Stacy Brown Philpot
- Google
- Silicon Valley
- Black Enterprise TechConneXt
by Marcia Wade
- Silicon Valley
- international politics
- diversity and inclusion
- Diversity
- Twitter
- Technology
- tech
by Courtney Connley
- Silicon Valley
- Diversity in Tech
- technology conference
- Hillary Clinton
- Election 2016
- Jesse Jackson
- Politics
- PUSH Coalition
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition
- investors
- pitching
by Samara Lynn