publishing industry
- celebrity
- publishing industry
- art industry
- comic industry
- entertainment industry
- Hollywood
by Anslem Samuel
- entertainment industry
- Spike Lee
- Marvel Comics
- publishing industry
- comic industry
by William E. Ketchum III
- publishing industry
- career change
- black authors
- Employment
- Publishing
- Entrepreneurship
- Career Development
- career transition
- Career Advancement
- Job Market
- Self Publishing
by Souleo
- Ebony magazine
- Jet magazine
- John H. Johnson
- fashion fair
- family business
- Johnson Publishing
- JPMorgan Chase
- Eunice Walker Johnson
- Negro Digest
- Desirée Rogers
- Black World
- Linda Johnson Rice
- publishing industry
by Alan Hughes
- DC Comics
- Marvel Comics
- publishing industry
- Month of the Man
- obits
- comic industry
by Derek T. Dingle