- Career
- Women of Power
- millennials
- prison
- Vivian Nixon
by Kandia Johnson
- youth activism
- federal prison system
- Solitary Confinement
- Barack Obama
- Politics
- President Obama
- law enforcement
- prison
by JP Hazelwood
- behighsociety-education
- Wintley Phipps
- gospel singer
- Princeton
- U.S. Senate chaplain
- Grammy
- University of Michigan
- prison
by Robin White Goode
- Facebook
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Jim Crow
- prison
- The New Jim Crow
by Samara Lynn
- racial profiling
- prison
- Schools
- school-to-prison pipeline
- prejudice
- Education
- education reform
by Kandia Johnson
- Barack Obama
- New York City
- Chicago
- San Francisco
- BET Awards
- gay pride
- prison
- Weekend Update
- lgbt pride
by Michael Tolbert
- black males matter
- Entrepreneurship
- leadership
- President Obama
- black males
- racism
- prison
- Month of the Man
- entrepreneurs summit
- corrections industry
- Barack Obama
- BE Modern Man
by Essence Gant
- Blacks
- prison industrial complex
- prison
- exonerated
- death row
by Courtney Connley