President Obama
- National Congress of American Indians
- Homeownership
- National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development
- National Urban League
- National Council of La Raza
- Rep. James Clyburn
- Valerie Rawlston Wilson
- Unemployment
- Dr. Christian Weller
- Center for American Progress
- President Obama
- Jobs
- Great Recession
- State of the Union
- Communities of Color
by Derek T. Dingle
- President Obama
- Elijah Cummings
- Emanuel Cleaver
- House Appropriations Committee
- Washington Report
- Affordable Care Act
- Majority Whip Eric Cantor
- repeal
- Congressional Black Caucus
- Chaka Fattah
- Healthcare
- House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
- Department of Health and Human Services
by Joyce Jones
- Judge John Roll
- Christina Taylor Green
- Jared Lee Loughner
- shooting
- Bill Clinton
- Rep. Michelle Bachmann
- George W. Bush
- Dr. Larry Berman
- Sarah Palin
- Dr. Robert Smith
- Arizona
- President Obama
- Ronald Reagan
- Dot Morris
by Joyce Jones
- Obama Generation
- Obama administration
- president barack obama
- Michelle Obama
- President Obama
by Black Enterprise
- fashion
- Jay Z
- President Obama
- Style
- Jamie Foxx
- Brandi Simpkins
- Rihanna
by Black Enterprise
- personal financing
- Taxes
- voting
- President Obama
- Bush Tax Cuts
- midterm elections 2010
by John Simons
- Barack Obama
- President Obama
- House of Representatives
- president barack obama
- Small Business Lending Fund Act
by Joyce Jones
- healthcare reform
- healthcare disparities
- Barack Obama
- health care
- Healthcare
- Obama
- President Obama
by Joyce Jones