- Dropbox
- Microsoft
- Social media
- EverNote
- iPhone
- iOS
- productivity
- google drive
- Google
- cloud storage
- apps
- windows
- Android
- Slack
- smartphone
- increase productivity
- smartphone apps
- productivity apps
- Mobile
by Lynne d Johnson
- Microsoft
- Bill Gates
- Chris Kwekowe
- Lagos State University
by Robin White Goode
- Slack
- stewart butterfield
- 2016 Black Enterprise TechConneXt
- Nathaniel J.
- Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft
- Snapchat
by Nathaniel J.
- Ramon Ray
- Samara Lynn
- techconnext
- blacks in Silicon Valley
- stewart butterfield
- 2016 BE TechConneXt
- Aisha Bowe
- Cynthia Marshall
- AT&T
- Microsoft
by Samara Lynn
- KleanCollar
- Flyspan
- American Airlines
- wepowq
- AT&T
- wepow
- Microsoft
- Innovation Lab
- FedEx
- african american tech
- techconnext
- charmer
- black tech startups
by Samara Lynn
- Get IN Chicago
- Youth-Led Tech Summer Program
- Toni Irving PhD
- Microsoft
- Smart Chicago
by Robin White Goode
- Microsoft
- Bill Gates
- Marijuana
- Cannabis
- David Dinenberg
by Sirita Wright
- Azure
- Dynamics
- Microsoft
- LinkedIn
- office 365
- mergers and acquisitions
- business software
by Samara Lynn