megachurch pastors
- The Potter's House
- megachurch pastors
- Bishop TD Jakes
- TD Jakes
by Nahlah Abdur-Rahman
- Atlanta
- megachurches
- megachurch pastors
- shooting
- creflo dollar
by Makkada B. Selah
- cool careers
- religion
- faith business
- career transition
- megachurch
- faith
- purpose
- spirituality
- calling
- Career Advancement
- church business
- T.D. Jakes
- spiritual calling
- The Potter's House
- careers in faith
- young professionals
- faith profession
- millennials
- faith career
- megachurch pastors
- Travis Simons
by Aisha M. Taylor
- faith-based initiatives
- business plans
- New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
- megachurches
- megachurch pastors
- Eddie L. Long
- Bishop Eddie Long
- Christian entrepreneurs
- faith-based businesses
by Marcia Wade