- McDonald's
- Career Advancement
- film industry
- Month of the Man
- Malcolm D. Lee
- BE Modern Man
- Hollywood
by Raqiyah Mays
- entertainment industry
- Hollywood
- Women of Power
- Women's History Month
- women professionals
- Taraji P. Henson
- Empire
by Raqiyah Mays
- Denzel Washington
- Hollywood
- higher education
- Music Industry
- Common
- Winston-Salem State University
- Month of the Man
- Dillard University
- entertainment industry
- Monthofman
by Courtney Connley
- film industry
- Susan Taylor
- women professionals
- media industry
- entertainment industry
- Essence magazine
- Spelman College
- Beverly Daniel Tatum
- Hollywood
- Pam Grier
- charlayne hunter gault
- leadership
- Women of Power
- Women's History Month
by JP Hazelwood
- Dennis Williams
- Hollywood diversity
- Diversity
- entertainment industry
- Hollywood
by Raqiyah Mays
- comcast
- activism
- TV industry
- discriminatin
- telecommunications industry
- Byron Allen
- entertainment industry
- Hollywood
- Al Sharpton
by Christine Edmond
- Women of Power
- White House
- STEM careers
- reality TV
- women professionals
- entertainment industry
- Hollywood
by Stacey Tisdale
- young professionals
- film industry
- women professionals
- senior professionals
- Black History Month
- Diversity
- entertainment industry
- Hollywood
by Raqiyah Mays