- National Council of Jewish Women - Los Angeles
- behighsociety-eduation
- Google
- Canada
- AAUW Career Development Grants Program
- Talbots Scholarship Program
- Sophie Greenstadt Scholarship for Mid-Life Women
- Greater Los Angeles
- Orange and Venture Counties
by Robin White Goode
- Flint Michigan
- Black Googlers Network
- Google
- grants
- University of Michigan
- activism
- black googlers
- lead poisoning
- flint water crisis
by Samara Lynn
- cable boxes
- Google
- President Obama
- apps
- Cable
- set top boxes
by Samara Lynn
- Google
- tech
- women professionals
- Women of Power
by Courtney Connley
- Google
- Black Girls Code
- coding
- app development
- build a game day
- build a game with scratch
- scratch
- chelsea market
- New York City
by Samara Lynn
- HP
- Airbnb
- Google Photos
- women of color in tech
- racism in technology
- Microsoft
- lack of diversity
- discrimination
- Tay chatbot
- Google
- facial recognition
- racism
- WOCinTech Chat
- Technology
- stock photos
- racism in tech
by Samara Lynn
- Small Business
- Google
- Collaboration
- business tips
- business tools
- project management
- google calendar
- teams
by Samara Lynn
- Muhlenberg College
- John Williams
- Davos Switzerland
- Fortune 500
- Steve Jobs
- Google
- World Economic Forum
- liberal arts
- behighsociety-education
- Alphabet