- DigitalUndivided
- Black Women
- Kathryn Finney
More Black Women Founders Are Raising $1 Million in Venture Capital: Report
- Diversity
- startups, start up businesses
- black-owned business
- DigitalUndivided
- Incubators
- black tech founders
- black women-owned business
Digitalundivided Seeks Female Applicants for BIGATL Incubator
- mentorship
- women professionals
- tech startups
- Kathryn Finney
- DigitalUndivided
- women startups
- seed funding
DigitalunDivided Announces Innovation Center for Black and Hispanic Women
- women startups
- Medium
- startup financing
- startups, start up businesses
- tech startups
- women in STEM
- Kathryn Finney
- DigitalUndivided
digitalundivided Founder Talks Black Women and Tech Funding
- Eagle Academy
- behighsociety-education
- A Better Chance
- Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
- Dropbox
- Prep 4 Prep
- White House Champions of Change
- Spotify
- DigitalUndivided
- Christina Lewis Halpern
- Reginald F. Lewis
- all star code
- TLC Beatrice International
- BE 100s
- yeswecode
BE Smart: All Star Code Educates Next Generation of Tech Entrepreneurs
- Technology
- Kathryn Finney
- DigitalUndivided