Denise Young Smith
- Women of Power Summit
- Barbara Graves
- Julieanna Richardson
- Bozoma Saint John
- Denise Young Smith
- Michelle Obama
- Susan L. Taylor
by Caroline Clarke
- Apple
- African American executives
- Denise Young Smith
by Caroline Clarke
- Denise Young Smith
- black in technology
- Apple
by Samara Lynn
- Apple
- Technology
- diversity and inclusion
- Denise Young Smith
by Samara Lynn
- African Americans in technology
- m scott lilly
- scott lilly
- Apple
- blacks in technology
- Thurgood Marshall College Fund
- Diversity in Tech
- diversity in technology
- Denise Young Smith
by Samara Lynn
- Thurgood Marshall College Fund
- Diversity in Tech
- Denise Young Smith
- Apple
by Samara Lynn
- Technology
- black women in tech
- Majora Carter
- Michelle Fisher
- black women executives
- Shellye Archambeau
- black women entrepreneurs
- Nichol Bradford
- Condoleezza Rice
- Denise Young Smith
- women professionals
- Angela Benton
- black women in technology
- Hadiyah Mujhid
- Kimberly Bryant
- Women of Power
- Black Techies
by Safon Floyd