cool careers
- faith business
- career transition
- megachurch
- faith
- purpose
- spirituality
- calling
- Career Advancement
- church business
- T.D. Jakes
- spiritual calling
- The Potter's House
- careers in faith
- young professionals
- faith profession
- millennials
- faith career
- megachurch pastors
- Travis Simons
- cool careers
- religion
Cool Jobs: Travis Simons Advocates for Young Adults in Faith
- young entrepreneurs
- Self Publishing
- young entrepreneur
- relationships
- Tionna Smalls
- reality TV
- Girl Get Your Mind RIght
- young boss
- relationship adviser
- VH1
- professional matchmaking
- women professionals
- Chilli
- book publishing
- Rozonda Thomas
- marriage
- love
- What Chilli Wants
- Publishing
- matchmaker
- cool careers
- Entrepreneurship
- Black love
Cool Jobs: Author and Entrepreneur Tionna Smalls’ Tell-It-Like-It-Is Approach Wins Audiences
- Caribbean
- fashion
- Trinidad
- career transition
- Tobago
- Career Advancement
- Caribbean fashion
- Fashion Week
- Caribbean professionals
- black models
- cool careers
- women professionals
- blacks in fashion
- international fashion
- Trinidad & Tobago
Cool Jobs: 3 Fashion Heavyweights Sparking Tobago’s Fashion Awakening
- C-suite
- cool careers
- Jobs
- career transition
- Career Advancement
- PepsiCo
- executives
- military veteran
- veteran
- Employment
- corporate culture
- leadership
- senior mangers
Cool Jobs: Dell VP Uses Skills Learned in Military to Achieve Corporate Success
- artist
- Detroit
- artist grants
- Employment
- Noah Stephens
- Jobs
- Michigan Opera Theatre
- photography
- David DiChiera
- media
- Detroit Opera House
- The People of Detroit
- purpose
- cool careers
- passion
- visual media
- Knight Foundation
Cool Jobs: Photographer Makes Living Capturing Beauty of City Life
- women executives.
- black hollywood
- film industry
- TV
- corporate diversity
- senior executives
- Diversity
- women professionals
- entertainment industry
- Employment
- Jobs
- television industry
- career transition
- senior managers
- Career Advancement
- cool careers