- Clinton
- Obama
- democrat
- Republican
- black
- campaign
- Trump
- 2016
- presidential
- Afrifcan American
- Politics
by Corey Ealons
- race
- Money
- black
- blacklivesmatter
- #blackmoneymatters
- wealth gap
by Stacey Tisdale
- Education
- children
- Black family
- children's education
- America
- black
- Dr. Steve Perry
- fathers
- Raising children
by Karima Mariama-Arthur, Esq.
- cancer
- prostate cancer
- black
- men
- Baldness
by Sandra Evangelina Garcia
- abortion
- White
- Baby
- New Study
- teens
- women
- race
- black
- Hispanic
by Sandra Evangelina Garcia
- Queen Latifah
- sugary drinks
- Inc.
- full-calorie soda
- In the News
- Brigitte Daniel
- James Lassiter
- Wilco
- Cover Girl
- Federal Advisory Committee on Diversity in the Digital Age
- The Queen Latifah Show
- Federal Communications Commission
- Shakim Compere
- marketing
- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Will Smith
- Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity
- Yale University
- black
- Philadelphia
- Hispanic
by Janel Martinez