Avis Ford
- National Business League
- Entrepreneurship
- Avis Ford
- 21st century black entrepreneurs
- black small businesses
- Ken Harris
- Mark A.Douglas
- Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce
by Jeffrey McKinney
- GlobalHue
- Suzanne Shank
- Don Barden
- Barden Cos.
- Barden Companies
- Industrial/Service Company of the Year
- BE100s
- Financial Services Company of the Year
- Advertising Agency of the Year
- Siebert Brandford Shank & Co.
- Don Thompson
- BE 100s
- Auto Dealer of the Year
- Avis Ford
- Donald Coleman
- Thompson Hospitality
by Earl G. Graves, Sr.
- BE100s
- Siebert Brandford
- Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference
- Barden Cos.
- BE 100s
- 2010 Entrepreneurs Conference
- BE100s awards
- Avis Ford
- Thompson Hospitality
- Donald Coleman
- Walter Douglas
- Entrepreneurs Conference
- Suzanne Shank
- Don Barden
- Warren Thompson
- Barden Companies
- Don Coleman
by Malla Haridat
- companies of the year
- 2010 Entrepreneurs Conference
- BE100s awards
- Avis Ford
- Thompson Hospitality
- GlobalHue
- Black Enterprise Companies of the Year
- Entrepreneurs Conference
- Barden Companies
- BE100s
- Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference
- B.E. Companies of the Year
by BlackEnterprise.com