attorney general
- Black History Month
- Politics
- Eric Holder
- Obama administration
- attorney general
by Safon Floyd
- Verizon Communications
- Cablevision
- internet service provider
- eric schneiderman
- Internet
- Verizon
- Broadband
- attorney general
- Time Warner Cable
- Verizon Fios
by Samara Lynn
- attorney general
- women professionals
- loretta lynch
- Diversity
- leadership
- Women of Power
- President Obama
- White House
by Brittany Dandy
- attorney general
- Attorney General Eric Holder
- loretta lynch
- government
- President Obama
- Black Women
by Courtney Connley
- lawyer
- Exxon Mobil
- Law and Order
- Essex County prosecutor
- U.S. Attorney
- healthcare reform
- New Jersey
- adoption
- Paula Dow
- attorney general
by Joyce Jones