- african american board of directors
- AT&T
- Debra Lee
- News
- black board members
- African American board members
Former BET CEO Debra Lee Is Now on AT&T’s Board of Directors
- AT&T
- supplier diversity
- Delta Air Lines
- minority suppliers
- JPMorgan Chase
- Black Businesses
- Koch Industries
How Black-Owned Businesses Can Profit From Strategic Partnerships with Corporate America
- Ava DuVernay
- Essence Festival
- AT&T
Ava DuVernay, Zendaya Discuss the Importance of Black People Telling Their Stories
- AT&T
- black suppliers
AT&T: We’ll Spend $3 Billion with Black Suppliers by 2020
- AT&T
- Black History Month
- Queen Latifah
AT&T ‘Dream In Black’ 28 List Celebrates Black Creators
- 5G
- AT&T