- South Africa
- African
- race issues
- racial tensions
by Jeroslyn JoVonn
- BE Global
- black in technology
- Christine Souffrant Ntim
- Haiti Tech Summit
- Andreessen Horowitz
- Carribean
- Président Jovenel Moïse
- African
- President of the Republic of Haiti
- Orange Is The New Black
- Vicky Jeudy
- Black in Tech
- Ben Horowitz
by Sequoia Blodgett
- leadership
- philanthropy
- women professionals
- global jobs
- African
- entertainment industry
- Politics
- international travel
- entertainment
- entertainment industry
- television industry
- international jobs
- women entrepreneurs
- global jobs
- Entrepreneurship
- internatiional commerce
- relocation
- African
- young entrepreneurs
- diaspora
- Black Women
- MTV Nigeria
- TV
- global entrepreneurs
- women professionals
- Twenty Ten Club
by Octavia Goredema