- Justin Timberlake
- Steve Stoute
- Jimmy Iovine
- Beyonce
- McDonald's
- advertising
- Chris Brown
- hip-hop renamed
- lebron james
- marketing
- Carol's Daughter
- Mary J. Blige
- Lady Gaga
- Will Smith
- Jada Pinkett Smith
- Jay Z
- The Tanning of America
- Russell Simmons
- Tommy Hilfiger
Steve Stoute Explains the ‘Tanning of America’
- controversy
- Nivea skin care products
- Esquire
- advertising
- Blogs
- racism
- black men
- skin care
- racist
- black hair
Nivea Pulls Controversial Ad After Claims of Racism
- black spending power
- black consumer market
- advertising
- Advertising Agencies
- black media
- black-owned media
- Earl G. Graves
- Earl G. Graves Sr.
- black consumers
- advertising industry
- Earl Graves
Holding the Ad Industry Accountable to Black Consumers
- Soulja Boy
- Krista Thomas
- Kim Kardashian
- Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson
- advertising
- H&H Imports
- Social media
- Charlie Sheen
- Arnie Gulloy-Singh
- Ad.Ly
- 50 Cent
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Chris Brown
- Shaun Phillips
- San Diego Chargers
Tweets For Sale: Getting Paid in 140 Characters or Less
- marketing
- Tina Wells
- promotion
- Entrepreneurship
- Egypt
- Business plan
- Groupon
- SWOT amalysis
- product
- advertising
- Mary Kay
- Small Business
- Kenneth Cole
12 Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed in Marketing
- Charlotte McKines
- marketing
- Dwayne Wade
- Sarah Mensah
- Oprah Winfrey
- African American executives
- Richelle Parham
- Jay Z
- Jeep
- Jimmy Smith
- Toyota
- Pepsi Fresh
- Lil Wayne
- Steve Stoute
- CoverGirl
- Muhammad Ali
- Queen Latifah
- Verizon Wireless
- Walton Isaacson
- eBay
- Paul G. Alexander
- Richard Williams
- Serena Williams
- Dionne Colvin
- BE 100s
- Frank Cooper
- advertising
- Donald A. Coleman
- Esi Eggleston Bracey
- GlobalHue
- Shawn Carter