advertising industry
- Spike Lee
- Nike
- Michael Jordan
- advertising industry
by Pete Croatto
- Miami Ad School
- South Carolina State University
- Spelman
- Morehouse
- advertising industry
by Robin White Goode
- Social media
- advertising industry
- apps
- Viacom
- media industry
- Snapchat
by JP Hazelwood
- advertising
- marketing
- BE100s
- business strategy
- advertising industry
- black advertising agencies
- Commonground
- CommongroungMGS
by Kandia Johnson
- tech industry
- Advertising Week
- entertainment industry
- Career Development
- Career Advancement
- advertising industry
- young professionals
- women professionals
- media industry
- senior professionals
by JP Hazelwood
- Domestic VIolence
- International Management Associates
- branding
- Africa
- Women of Power
- Women's History Month
- advertising industry
by Essence Gant
- Uniworld
- fromthecorneroffice-article
- corporate America
- Diversity
- leadership
- Career Advancement
- advertising industry
- BE 100s
- women professionals
by Richard Spiropoulos
- financial services industry
- fromthecorneroffice-article
- corporate America
- leadership
- advertising industry
- young professionals
- BE 100s
- women professionals
- senior professionals
by JP Hazelwood