2012 presidential election
- Michele Bachman
- Jon Huntsman
- Rick Santorum
- Mitt Romney
- president barack obama
- 2012 presidential election
- Rick Perry
- Newt Gingrich
- Ron Paul
by Joyce Jones
- Facebook
- Eric Zoberman
- Pew Research Center
- Penn State
- Twitter
- Valeisha Butterfield-Jones
- University of Pennsylvania
- Russell Simmons
- youth vote
- youth voters
- President Obama
- Ohio State University
- Hip Hop Summit Action Network
- 2012 presidential election
by BlackEnterprise.com
- Barack Obama
- marriage
- Michelle Obama
- Tiger Woods
- In the News
- 2012 presidential election
- Marcia Anderson
- US Army
by Janel Martinez
- Congress
- John Boehner
- Washington Report
- Eric Cantor
- Standard & Poor's
- American Jobs Act
- health care reform bill
- US credit downgrade
- 2012 presidential election
- Barack Obama
by Joyce Jones