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App Addiction: Survey Shows 85% of Smartphone Users Would Rather Give Up Water Than Apps

In an apps-rule-everything-around-us world, it’s hard to remember what banking, messaging and traveling, among other daily tasks would be like without your beloved tech tools. (Maybe not everyone, but a large percentage of smartphones users can relate.)

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API company Apingee released results from its 2013 Mobile App Behavior survey

of smartphone owners, revealing that the majority of respondents (85%) would rather go without water than their mobile apps. The survey also showed that 82% believe there are apps they can’t live without including email (57%), Facebook (41%) and alarm clock apps (31%).

Apingee polled 762 smartphone owners across American, the UK, Germany, Spain and France about their app usage and reliance.

To view the survey results in infographic form, visit Mashable


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