Welcome to the Style Suite with Kéla Walker, your source for fashion and style trends for power plays in the workplace. Every Tuesday and Thursday, she’ll share tips and suggestions to help maximize your style on a budget. Whether you’re the style devil in Prada or the apprentice with limited apparel, you’ll find something in the Style Suite to suit your needs.
This week, I took last month’s
Shop My Kloset challenge to a whole new level, limiting myself to just five pieces to create one work-week’s wardrobe. Maybe that doesn’t sound like much of a challenge to you, but when you consider the number of items you wear every day to to create just one look, I think the challenge becomes a little more clear.I picked a couple of key pieces to rotate throughout the week. The idea is to show
how to maximize your wardrobe and make the most out of your style. You may be surprised at the outcome because you cant help but get creative when you’re limited to a pair of pants, a dress, two tops tops and a vest as I was for this week. It’s the ultimate mix-and-match style fest.I’ve also found that it’s a great way to think when it comes to packing. Who of us isn’t guilty of
over-packing? The next time you are heading out of town for a conference this challenge may be just the answer to all your packing issue. Log on to KelasKloset.com to see all the different combinations I created with my self imposed limited wardrobe and to get an idea how you can pull the challenge off for yourself.Find more fashion and style tips at KelasKloset.com and follow me on Twitter (@kelawalker).
Kéla Walker is an award-winning,
Emmy-nominated producer and TV host, who has contributed lifestyle and entertainment content for outlets including NBC’s LXTV, Getty Images, YRB Magazine, Madame Noire, and RTL Germany. She also has a passion for fashion and offers the latest in fab fashion trends and consumer deals with KelasKloset.com. Her chic style and trendsetting blog has been lauded by sites including Essence.com and Huffington Post Black Voices.