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Spinpoint: A New Travel App That’s a Family Affair

Jamar Jordan is a travel buff. Vowing to visit every span of the globe possible (with the exception of the North and South poles), he recorded his travels on a wall map affixed to a corkboard–each visited locale marked with a pushpin. Then, he got the idea for Spinpoint.

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His family pooled their money into $75,000. With that funding, plus the help of some friends, Jordan developed Spinpoint and founded the family-owned company, Spinpoint, LLC.

Spinpoint is an app that lets users create a catalog of their trips. It supports photos and videos, and users can even keep journals of their travels. A “Pin It” feature is a digital version of a corkboard; users can place “pins” on a world map of places they have been.

But with Instagram and Facebook available to record almost every facet of our lives, the need for an app such as Spinpoint seems dubious.

Spinpoint – An app to transform your travels into amazing memories!

from Jamar Jordan on Vimeo.

“Spinpoint’s organization of the media is what sets us apart,” says Jordan. He says the app is more than a way to share vacation photos; rather, it’s a “gorgeous digital passport” organized by countries a user has traveled to.

Spinpoint launched in November. Jordan admits to some “growing pains” while creating the app. With no experience in coding and a limited budget, he and his family outsourced some of the labor to Armenia and India, but now he has a local team in their home base of operations, Miami.

Competing against other location sharing/travel apps including Findery, Trover, and Gogobot, Spinpoint is so new it has yet to generate revenue. However, Jordan says the app already has an organic following of users and the company has a revenue-generating strategy. One of the features of the app is a “Bucket List.” Users compile lists of places they want to visit by pinning a location, selecting it as a Bucket List Pin, and adding a date of when they plan to “cross it off.”

Users can also place pins from other users’ Bucket Lists. Spinpoint’s revenue model is to sell ad space in the Bucket List feature.

The app is now available in the iTunes store. The company is seeking angel investors to create an Android version, an Apple TV app, and to further develop upgrades.

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