April 17, 2023
South Florida Gas Stations to Return to Normal After Suffering Shortages During Rainstorms
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After rainfall that brought havoc to some South Florida communities last week, affected areas also suffered a lack of fuel at gas stations. According to CBS Miami, the torrential rainfall that struck areas in Florida caused flooding that affected the delivery of fuel at gas stations in areas located in Miami-Dade and Broward.
Last week, Port Everglades, which is a seaport in Fort Lauderdale, said that there was an ample supply of fuel supply but they were not operating at full capacity due to some of the pumping equipment not being operational because of the flooding. They were waiting for things to dry up, causing a delay in the distribution of fuel to the gas stations. Supplemental supplies were being brought to Tampa and Port Canaveral.
Area residents were updated on Monday by Broward Mayor Lamar Fisher.
“It’s a fluid issue. We have terminals here that are privately owned by the gas facility folks. So what’s happening is their pumps were inundated with water. So they are trying to get these pumps in working order to get the fuel out of their tanks to the tankers to get it to the gas stations. There is no issue with fuel, we have plenty of fuel here at the docks, we have plenty of fuel that is out and coming toward us to Port Everglades. It’s unfortunate that those private companies’ tankers are those issues of getting the fuel out,” said Fisher.
The mayor is anticipating things returning back to normal sometime later this week. He is requesting patience from everyone as some gas stations in the area had run out of gas.
“Right now there are seven terminals open out of 12. There are seven that are now, it’s just a matter of time. Normally, we have 1,200 trucks that are getting fuel out on a daily basis, we’re about 50 percent right now,” he said.