December 14, 2015
Sisters Create Cross-Cultural Organization Connecting U.S. and African Youth
Why is it important to connect youths in underserved areas in the United States with underserved youths located in countries in Africa?
Many of the same global issues disproportionately affect youths in underserved communities in the U.S. and in African countries. These youths have very few opportunities to connect with their peers in other countries because of financial burdens or other extenuating circumstances. Youths learn from their peers about the differences and similarities they may share, which naturally fosters respect and fellowship among the youths with which we work.
Do you both work full-time? If so, please share tips on how you manage working full-time with the needs of your organization.
We both run Focal Point Global full-time. And we have a program coordinator, and an IT officer. In the past, we worked and studied while running Focal Point Global. What we found helpful was setting a timeline that was well suited to our lives and not the lives of others. Oftentimes we can overstretch ourselves, which can be to our detriment. We learned to focus on pacing ourselves by honestly evaluating what we could do on our own and what we could delegate or postpone.
Can you share 3 or 4 tips for fundraising or spreading awareness about your organization?
- Maximize your network by cultivating a loyal base of followers who will be your advocates
- Implement corporate matching programs
- Invest in quality over quantity
In seven years, you’ve accomplished a great deal. What are your plans for 2016?
In 2016, we are launching a youth employment and entrepreneurship initiative, YEEI. This program will focus on preparing 50 teenagers in Chicago, Illinois; Baltimore, Maryland; Windhoek, Namibia; and Johannesburg South Africa to seize the opportunities of a 21st-century economy. In an increasingly competitive global economy, education, ingenuity, and collaboration are necessary to succeed. YEEI is a three-month-long program connecting teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 with their peers, new mentors, new networks, and valuable job opportunities. For more information, please visit www.focalpointglobal.org or contact us at info@focalpointglobal.org.